Sunday, 9 March 2025

Relationships in DHA Lahore: Navigating Challenges 03008818071

                                              Relationships in Lahore: Navigating Challenges

Navigate the unique challenges and opportunities faced by parents in community to find

the life partner/Rishta for their sons and daughters in Lahore

🔷 Candidate's Info. 🔷 

🔹 Gender: female

🔹 Marital Status: single

🔹 Full Name: xyz 

🔹 Father's Name: Rana 

🔹 Date of Birth:  Oct 1997

     Age 27

🔹 Education: mphil Botany 

🔹 Profession/Job/Business: teaches in dps college gujrat on semi permanent basis.

🔹 Monthly Income: 70K

🔹 Height: 5 8

🔹 Caste: Rajpot Bhoone

🔹 Sect (Maslak): Sunni

🔹 Nationality: Pakistani

🔷 Family Details: 🔷 

🔹 Father's Profession : Retired From ASF Lahore 

🔹 Mother's Profession : house wife

🔹 Total Siblings: 5

🔹 Married Brothers: 0 Vet Doctor

🔹 Married Sisters: 3

One CSP, PAS officer, One Fcps Doctor, One Lecturer

🔷 Residential Details: 🔷 

🔹 House Status (Own/Rented): own 

🔹 House Size (Marlas/Kanal): 1 kanal

🔹 Current Location: DHA…

Friday, 7 March 2025

Long-Distance Relationships: Finding Partners Across Lahore and Beyond

                            Long-Distance Relationships: Finding Partners Across Lahore and Beyond

                   Learn strategies for maintaining a long-distance relationship while living in Lahore or

connecting with partners in other cities.

, 💠* marriage bureau*

Please copy and edit  your information 

GENDER: female

🔹Name: xyz

🔹father name: xyz

🔹 Education: MPhil gcu Lahore (gold medalist )

🔹 Age: 28

🔹Height: 5'3

🔹 Caste: sheikh


🔹 business/job.lecture(bs-17)HEDpunjab

🔹Adress:muslim road sanda lhr

 Hose size          

🔹status marriage:not married


🔹 Father: own buisness

🔹 Mother: housewife

🔹 Brothers: 1 govt employee bs 17 

🔹 Sisters: 3 (2govt employee)1  study continue 

🔹Married:sis 1 assisstant director

🔷Residence: Muslim road sanda lhr


🔸Max age: 28-30



🔸City: lahore

   Cuntry pakistan

🔸Cast: sunni

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

The Lahore's Marriage Culture Explore the cultural nuances

 Explore the cultural nuances and significance of dowry in Lahore's marriage customs,

understanding its role in partner selection.

1: Gender:female

2: Name:SYED Ali

3: Age:25

4: Marital Status:SINGLE

5: Complexion:

6: Height:5'4


1: Qualification: ELECTRONIC ENGINEER 


1: Position: senior manager 

3: income: 80000


1: Religion:Islam

2: Sect:Sunni

3: Caste:Syed


1: Home(Rent/Own):own

2: Any property:No


1: Father's: Retired government servant

2: Mother's: House wife

3: Brother: Doing Mba

‌4: Sisters:3

5: Married siblings:2


1: Current City: Islamabad 

2: Home Town: 


1: Age: 28

2: Height: 5.11

3: Qualification: mbbs 

4: City: any

5: latest Picture.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Join Social Events for parents to meet Singles in Lahore

                           Discover social events and gatherings in Lahore designed for parents to meet

1: Gender:MALE

2: Name:SYED ALI 

3: Age:29

4: Marital Status:SINGLE

5: Complexion:

6: Height:5'11


1: Qualification: ELECTRONIC ENGINEER 


1: Position: senior manager 

3: income: 80000


1: Religion:Islam

2: Sect:Shia 

3: Caste:Syed


1: Home(Rent/Own):own

2: Any property:No


1: Father's: Retired government servant

2: Mother's: House wife

3: Brother: Doing MBBs

‌4: Sisters:3

5: Married siblings:2


1: Current City: lahore

2: Home Town: Bukhari Manzil nathy shah road mailsi


1: Age: 25

2: Height: 5.6

3: Qualification: mbbs Dr

4: City: any

5: latest Picture.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

International Islamic Matrimonial Service Sweden Muslim Pakistani Family

                               International Islamic Matrimonial Service Sweden  Muslim Pakistani Family 

CANDIDATE Information:

🟫Gender: Male

🟫Name: Asad Naeem 

🟫 Age: 38

🟫 Height: 5'5"

🟫 Maslak: Shia 

🟫 Cast : Awan

🟫 Complexion: Fair 

🟫 Marital Status: Divorced first marriage lasted 

🟫 Qualification: MA English, Law and international relations 

🟫 Job: Assistant 

🟫Income: Above 2 lac

🟫 Mother tongue: Punjabi 

🟫 Status Upper middle class 


🟫 Home 🏡: City Sweden  

🟫 Family Status:

🟫 Father occupation: Ex Joint Director of State Bank currently doing practice as a lawyer 

🟫Mother: Home Maker

🟫 SIBLINGS : (Details)

🟫 Brothers: 1 lawyer married 

🟫 Sisters : 1 doctor married 


🟫 Age: Less than 

🟫 Maslak: Any 

🟫 Cast: Any

🟫 Height: Suitable 

🟫 Status:  Middle class

🟫 Education: Well educated, and pursue her career would be preferable 

🟫 City:

🟫 Area: